School Life
Our Background
Lancers International School has been an active participant in various Model UN conferences over the years in india & abroad. With a vibrant MUN club to foster the talent of our students at school and a budding team of youth leaders ready to explore their international ambitions we have taken part in many large scale MUNs such as Harvard MUN,Welham MUN, Dubai International Academy MUN.
Secretary General’s Address

It is with great pride and honour that I, as the first secretary general of the Lancers International School Model United Nations Conference have been given the privilege of inviting you to our maiden event. Our entire team has put in countless hours in planning and making this mere dream a fully fledged reality, a reality that we will without a doubt cherish for years to come. We are extremely confident that this event is a legacy in the making that will come back equally unique and improved year after year and while we regret that the event can’t be physically hosted on our campus as we intended you can rest assured that it will be held with the same relish that is seen in a physical conference.
My journey as a Model UN enthusiast has taught me numerous lessons that has completely changed the perception I had of living in a world where power is sought out to be everything, it has taught me that no matter who you are or where you come from your will to voice your concern in an ever changing narrative is always welcome and is equally feasible to make a difference than any other person on the same platform, this idea of equality in representation is also a resonance of our motto ‘Actus Curiae Neminem Gravabit’ for this year’s conference.
Getting the opportunity to become a delegate on such a platform is the ultimate form of learning any teenager can be exposed to at their current age, It has certainly shaped me into the person that I am today and it is with the same determination that I hope to instil that sense of learning and rigour into this amazing conference that has been planned for you all.
Best wishes,
Arjun Abbott
Secretary General
LISMUN was a dream envisioned by the MUN community of Lancers. With a budding MUN club that has participated and won accolades in various MUN competitions all around India we hoped to utilise that experience into raising the standard of Model UN debating as we see it today. We have progressed and learned as a team from constantly hosting mini MUNs as part of our school festival to organising mock committees for our delegation team and it is this perseverence that has led our endeavour to create a platform where the youth of India can voice their opinions as global citizens, With the formation of the Lancers International School Model United Nations Conference we live up to this ideal.
Meet Our Team
Dedicated to quality