External Assessments


External Assessments

Policy on Standardised Assessments

Standardised assessments are significant parts of learning because they help to ensure that all students are given the same opportunities to learn and succeed. They also provide educators with valuable information about each student’s strengths and weaknesses. This information can then be used to create individualised learning plans for each student.

In addition to external IGCSE, the MYP e-Assessments and the DP examinations in Grade 10 and Grade 12, we gain information about student learning at Lancers International School by incorporating external standardised assessment for younger students.

Some international schools use assessments developed for national education systems. However, as these are quite different in many areas and it can be hard for teachers and parents to know how different systems compare, the ISA provides a more comprehensive and effective benchmark.

International Schools Assessment (ISA)

We have implemented the International Schools Assessment (ISA) for all students in Grades 5 and 8 and the report contains relevant information about how each student compares to students in other international and national system schools in the world. The result assists our coordinators and teachers in benchmarking on best curriculum frameworks and learning engagements. The ISA is an assessment program designed specifically for students in international schools and it is based on the internationally endorsed reading, mathematical literacy and scientific literacy frameworks of the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).

According to recent evaluations by ISA for students in Grades 5 and 8 in Math and English, Lancers International School has performed way better than most other international schools worldwide. As per the evaluation, our students are extremely proficient in solving Math problems and their reading abilities are way above the average score decided by ISA.

Baseline Assessments in Early Years

Baseline studies provide us with valuable, dependable and dynamic ways of assessing numeracy, literacy, language and communication skills acquired by our students throughout their life in the Early Years. This assessment includes a mix of verbal and touch-based questions with full-colour illustrations in order to fully engage young children. Baseline assessments provide teachers, parents and school leaders with relevant information about what a child understands and can do at a certain point in time, as well as gaps in their learning. This information is used to further enhance the teaching and learning practices for individual students so they achieve their fullest potential.

Ongoing assessments at the school support what we believe in with regards to personalizing instruction and ensuring we provide the best learning experiences for 21st-century learners.

ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Language (AAPPL)

The AAPPL is administered to our Language Acquisition subjects of EAL, Hindi, French, German and Spanish. The AAPPL aims to provide a more holistic measure of proficiency by assessing not only reading and writing but also listening and speaking in the language acquisition areas. The assessment is used to measure the progress of learners in grades three through eight who are working on attaining Interpersonal Listening and Speaking level B- or higher on the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages.

According to recent evaluations by ISA for students in Grades 5 and 8 in Math and English, Lancers International School has performed way better than most other international schools worldwide. As per the evaluation, our students are extremely proficient in solving Math problems and their reading abilities are way above the average score decided by ISA.

The graphs below provide an overview of ZIS results compared to worldwide test scores. All ZIS scores were higher than worldwide scores in all four categories –
Math Literacy, Reading, Writing A and Writing B.

International School’s Assessment (ISA) Test Scores 2021 LIS Grade 5

Lancers Regional Schools All Schools
Mathematics Literacy 485 460 434
Reading 420 406 384
Narative/Reflective Writing 478 465 448
Exposition/Argument Writing 530 506 482
  • Mathematics Literacy
  • Reading
  • Narative/ Reflective Writing
  • Exposition/ Argument Writing
  • 600
  • 500
  • 400
  • 300
  • 200
  • 100
  • 0
pyp score