Weekends are the perfect time to relax, unwind and go out for day hikes, excursions (a trip to one of Delhi’s museums, parks or even animal shelters), indoor/ outdoor sports, matches, value sessions, and a visit to the mall for shopping or to catch up on a movie.
Lancers International School makes a constant effort to give a meaningful, fun, experiential learning to the students in most effective manner possible.
MORNING: YOGA CLASSES – It’s mandatory for all students to attend yoga classes on weekends so that the students have better physical, mental and spiritual health.
AFTERNOON: RELAXATION – It is a good time for students to relax back on weekends because everyone is busy with their own specific interests and the campus environment is peaceful.
EVENING: OUTINGS AND RECUPERATION – The students leave for town visit along with their dorm parents to socialize and have coffee with friends, do essential shopping for class room activities and personal items. The school also hosts and visits surrounding schools to give sporting students a chance to represent the school in various sports such as hockey, football, table tennis and others.