Undeniable benefits Christmas brings to students in Schools in Gurgaon

Schools in Gurgaon: For more than 2000 years, people around the world observe Christmas as a religious holiday. Christmas is a cultural and commercial phenomenon, respected with traditions and practices that are religious and secular as well. People from different faiths across the world celebrate Christmas, its not only Christians.
Centuries before Christmas began to be observed as the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ (the spiritual guide whose teachings laid the foundation of Christianity), the middle of winter was being celebrated around the world. Europeans celebrated it with light in the darkest days of winter, rejoiced during winter solstice leaving behind the worst of the winter, looking forward to longer days and extended hours of sunlight.

Many schools in Gurgaon celebrate Christmas a day before that is on Christmas Eve, the 24th of December when students go to school wearing Santa dress and Christmas caps and share gifts with their friends and teachers. This time 22nd December is the last working day before students go for winter vacations. That is when Lancers will celebrate Christmas!

Sharing the benefits of Christmas Celebration

  • Inculcate the spirit of giving

Christmas is all about celebration and offering. Students get to experience the joy of giving. Teachers plan lessons around the part to explain the importance of Christmas. For example, while celebrating Christmas, teachers help students learn about how other countries celebrate Christmas, or how Santa shows up at their homes. A lot of schools in Gurgaon, children make hand-made gifts for the children in need. They take part in the food-drive, toy-drive or gift-drive to less fortunate ones focusing on their needs.

  • Schools in Gurgaon: Break from daily routine

Christmas offers an entertaining distraction from the study stress brought by the entire school year. Christmas celebration at Lancers International School is exciting and joyous for students. The school environment gets surrounded by the positive energy of delight and celebration. Even the excitement of teachers is at peak about the upcoming break from the teaching-learning cycle that goes on throughout the year. Even if it is not too long. Therefore, children love it for the presents and teachers love the goodwill and joy that fills the air.

Lancers being an IB school, students are from different nationalities and faiths. All of them participate in decoration and festivity. They learn the differences, and yet the bond of love, warmth, cheer and selflessness that bind mankind together. To sum up, Christmas brings students from different backgrounds and faiths together.

  • Schools in Gurgaon: Special learning for the young ones

The curriculum teaches primary students to read about Santa, the winter solstice, winter holiday traditions, Jewish holidays, Kwanzaa (a secular festival by many African Americans from 26th December to 1st January as a celebration of their cultural heritage and traditional values).

The young ones also learn to write friendly letters to Santa, not only asking for toys or gifts but also wishing something for the world. Peace for everyone for example, or help endangered animals, food for all, keeping the planet clean and green. This is how they instill the spirit of consideration for others in their tender minds.


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