Steps to Select Good Schools in Gurgaon

Choosing the right school for your child is extremely important therefore selecting schools in Gurgaon is made easy now. Your list of schools can narrow down if you know that you are looking for a good international school. Your child, family and your convenience must be the priority while selecting. Before you look at the steps, you must do some study about international schools in Gurgaon.

Step 1: Know your child
Schools in Gurgaon

Schools in Gurgaon

What does your need? What sort of environment he should have? Whether the child can manage on his own? What are the learning challenges he goes through? All these things hold importance when you select the school in Gurgaon. Simply knowing physical needs and education needs are not enough. Find out what motivates him or inspires him to learn and express.

Learning style of your child: Every child has a different style of learning. Some learn through words, others through videos, pictures or numbers. Find out if he is an individual learner or he like group activities? Figure out how much is he interested in extracurricular activities like arts, music, drama and sports.

Step 2: Be informed

If you know what the requirements of the child are, you are well prepared to find the best school in Gurgaon. The basic infrastructure includes – hostels (for both boys and girls if it is a co-ed system), laboratories, a library, good digitalized classrooms, internet facility, basic transportation, clean washrooms, a play area or sports infrastructure, etc.

Security is another concern for parents if they opt for boarding schools. Parents must see that there is an adequate number of security guards and f CCTV cameras patrolling the complete campus. Facilities must be include – well-balanced & nutritious meals in a hygienic cafeteria; 24/7 medical aid & regular health check-ups; counseling (& career counseling) services; special sessions on social issues; personality development, and awareness programs; special tutoring; anytime access to teachers & mentors for parents & guardians; sports facilities & a choice of sporting activities; social empowerment activities; field trips & tours, etc.

Step 3: Know the school

After the first two steps are complete, it will be easy for you to shortlist the names of schools in Gurgaon. You can go through the list in detail. Another way is you can ask the parents whose kids are still studying there and read the online reviews about the school. Visit the website and get the real picture.

It is very important to scan the school’s achievement in academics and co-curricular activities. How well qualified are the teachers? How frequently the parents are involved? When you pay a visit, ask all the questions that bother you. Study the school culture and curriculum to see if your kid will be able to fit in the environment.

Schools in Gurgaon

Schools in Gurgaon


Wanting to seek the best for our children is absolutely normal from parents’ point of view. But a thought process and a certain degree of logic are important to make a good decision. You can start by enquiring about Lancers International School, located in a DLF Phase-V, Sector-53, Gurgaon.