If you are one of them who get stressed out as the exam dates approach, then health experts from schools in Gurgaon have some tips that will help you overcome stress. These experts don’t let the pressure of exams affect your performance. Under the expert guidance, students at Lancers International School do not go through such pressure.

  • Engage yourself in physical activity and get out of the house
Schools in Gurgaon

Schools in Gurgaon

A lot of us tend to stick ourselves to the chair and attack our textbooks and notes for hours and hours. A long period of concentration is good, but when it crosses the limit, we start damaging our health. During the exam preparations, it is always advisable to take breaks every hour and go exercising with our families, or simply stroll outdoors to get some fresh air and sunshine. This will not only reduce the physical stress and negativity about the exam, but it will also refresh our mind.

  • Form a group to study with friends

Worried whether you’ve revised enough or not? Worried if you’re falling behind? Well, making a study group among friends can greatly reduce the pre-exam stress and burden. This way, we can share our notes and study skills with others, and quiz each other. Apart from these advantages, a study group will even prevent us from procrastinating, as there are regular meeting dates for revision.

  • Planning is important

Some people can’t live without planning everything, while others think planning is tedious. Nonetheless, planning can help us organize our thoughts, reduce anxiety and feel more confident about how we are going to prepare for the upcoming exam (or battle, as I put it). Selecting specific dates to revise for specific subjects and making a daily schedule can keep us steady on our tracks.

  • Listen to music

Listening to music elevates the mood and encourages studying more effectively for long. To boost your brain power, classical music is the best type of music.

  • Eat healthy

The right diet can improve our memory, cognition as well as intellect. Eat and drink sensibly. Science has proved that our nutrition will directly affect our brain activities, and here are some foods we need for a “healthier brain”. We should also avoid too much junk food or stimulants such as coffee, which can result in poor concentration – something we don’t really want during exams.

  • Believe in yourself and keep things in perspective – Schools in Gurgaon
Schools in Gurgaon

Schools in Gurgaon

Sometimes we think that all that matters before exams is how much we have studied. But we must realize that metal preparation is equally important. We must eliminate the negative thoughts and fear of failure. Above all, if we keep things in perspective, these exams are just a part of life.

  • Let it all out

Sometimes you need to talk to people or shout out loud. Speaking to a friend or a family member can highlight the bigger picture and bring you out from the exam stress.

  • Getting enough sleep

It is very important to take proper night sleep during exams. Sleep helps the brain to assimilate new information into long-term memory. Sleeping will block out everything so that it becomes easy to concentrate and recall on the test day.

  • Eating dark chocolate

Believe it or not, according to research, eating dark chocolate fights the exam stress hormone and has an overall effect on the body. Chocolate is a natural stress buster along with 70% cocoa.

  • Cut out distraction

Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Tweeter are too distracting these days. Studies have shown that students experience FOMO (fear of missing out) if they spend too much time browsing them. There is always a solution. You may install website blocker so that there is no way you can access them.

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