Your guide to finding the best daycare boarding schools in Gurgaon
When it comes to finding a daycare boarding school in Gurgaon, the only option each parent will settle for is the best of its kind. It is a difficult proposition to trust a daycare facility easily. We want to ensure that the facility is capable of accommodating the various needs of the child. More than that, the daycare school should be able to add value to the child’s learning ability.
Day boarding schools are best known for their ability to prepare the child for becoming a student. The facility becomes the first place where they learn to adapt to the classroom environment.
In order to ensure that you find the best daycare boarding school in Gurgaon for your child, here is a list of features that you must look out for:
The reputation of the daycare
The foremost job for all the parents is to find out the reputation of the daycare where you intend to shift your child. A well-reputed daycare will mean that they have experience in handling children in a better way than most. Speak to your friends who might have used the service of the daycare. Note their experience, a bit good and bad. The use of the internet will also come in very handy. Read what the people are saying about the daycare facility.
Having gathered all the information about the daycare school, it is time to form an informed opinion about them. This will help you figure out a couple of places that can be considered as an option.
Visit the daycare facility
Once you have figured out the places of your interest, now is the time to make a personalized visit to the place. Speak to the school administration and seek an appointment. Be sure that you pick a slot where you have ample time on hand.
Upon your visit to the school, the first job is to clear all your doubts. Ask as many questions as you can to ensure that no subject is left untouched. It is the job of the school administration to take you in confidence. Anny half measures here might end up in bargaining for the wrong deal for you.
Physical inspection of the facility

Daycare Schools
Clearing all your doubts with the school administration is not the end of it. The next step involves you personally checking the entire premise of the school. Ask the administration to give you a guided tour of the school and make sure that you cover almost all the parts of it.
If allowed, try to speak to the staff of the school. This will give you an idea about them. If possible, ask the school about the procedure to hire the staff.
While in the school, look at the space the facility has for the kids. It is very important that the school has enough space for a kids activity area, mess, and playground. Attention should also be given to cleanliness and hygiene. Since the kids will be spending a lot of time on the ground, it is very necessary that the school follows strict health guidelines.
Judging the staff at school
See that the staff is courteous and friendly to the children in the school. Look out for signs that will tell you otherwise. One of the easiest ways to judge the staff is by noticing the children. If the kids are happy and mixing well with the staff it suggests that they are not afraid by their presence. A gloomy and quiet daycare school is not a good sign.
If possible try to visit the school during the afternoon hours. This is usually the time when the parents come to pick their kids from the daycare school. If lucky you might be able to meet the parents and get their first-hand experience about the school.
Proximity from your house
Whenever you decide to send your child to the daycare facility, it is advised that you pick a place that is not too far from your house. This is important for two reasons. First, you do not want your child to get too tired while traveling. Secondly, in case of emergency, if required, you should be at a distance that can be covered in a short duration of time.
These are some of the necessary steps that you must follow while looking for the best daycare boarding schools in Gurgaon.