Nowadays, parents lead a busy and chaotic life that revolves around work challenges and family commitments. Parents do not realize that they need to spend some quality time with their kids. This is the time when you can relax and talk about what is happening in your and most importantly their lives. Lancers International School, one of the best international schools in Gurgaon, prides itself on imparting important life skills. It helps children to become disciplined, thoughtful and adaptive young adults.

Teaching children to feel empathy with others is an important life skill. To successfully make them understand empathy, you must demonstrate that you are really listening to them when they share something with you. Therefore, they understand that what they say and how they are important to you. As a result, by following your responses, they are more likely to pay attention to what others tell them.

Develop your listening skills

As a parent you if you want to be a good listener, you must focus on what your children want to communicate. Make sure there is no distraction like TV or mobile phones when you are talking to your child. You can motivate your child to ask questions and tell them that an active listener always looks the speaker in the eye. Teach them how to pick the highlights from the conversation.

Here are the tips by Lancers International School to be a good listener to your children

Lancers International School

Lancers International School

  • Encourage children to talk

There are children who are shy, ask them a lot of questions so that they engage themselves in conversation. Parents must remember that children are eager to share the ideas and feelings if they are clear that they hold important for you. Therefore, encourage your children to talk and involve them in positive conversations.

  • Parents must make sure that they are attentive and interested

In this case, eye contact is essential. When your child is talking to you, maintain eye contact. This shows that you are concentrating on what he/she is saying. Ignore all the distractions whether it’s your phone or television. Because they can easily figure out by the way you listen to them, the way you reply or your body language.

  • Be a patient listener

Young children often take longer than elders to find the words. Parents must listen to them patiently as they have ample time. This makes children feel that they are free to speak as much as want.

  • Let your child complete, do not jump to a conclusion

In the spirit of being patient, make sure you hear your child and do not interrupt them prematurely. Let them complete their story and then form an opinion. You might land up to making a wrong conclusion if you don’t give them to finish. This is very important to respect the rights of your child and express their opinions.

  • Watch and listen to your child

A lot of children do not express themselves verbally. Therefore, parents must watch them and pay attention to their facial expressions, their body language and their voice tone. Even their energy level and behavior patterns send signals when they talk. For example, if a child is upset and denies you to say why then you must find a quiet place to ask him sometime later.

Listening properly to your children is key to effectively communicating with them. A parent without the ability to listen effectively may misunderstand their children and, as a result, communication may well break down. This can be very frustrating for both you and your child, so practice good listening skills as often as you can.

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