International schools in Gurgaon is taking the education system in the city with a storm. The international standard of education has entered the country and is here to stay. It aims in evolving the child into individuals who nurture the global and social etiquettes. They are the future of our country and should be more than just degree holders.

It is the duty of the parents also to enroll them in schools which will help to grow the child’s personality along with their intellect. This is where top IB schools in India take the cake. International education fluttering in these schools

  • Integrates students with other cultures.
  • They teach them to remain active physically and mentally.
  • Balances textbook learning with co-curricular activities
  • Teach them to be tolerant and remain calm in pressurizing situation.

The question, however, that comes to mind is how to know the chosen school caters all these. The first impression that every school displays is their best. But, what if the story, later on, is different? Thus, we have assembled 5 particular questions that you should ask when you visit an international school in Gurgaon.

What is the vision or philosophy the IB School is following?

The vision, as in, the main motto of opening the school will help you to know a whole lot about school goals. Important factors to keep in mind are:

  • They should match up with the education system or beliefs you and your child follows.
  • Philosophy and mission statement of the top international schools are in tune with each other.
  • Both vision and philosophy generally bifurcate in strategic plans which are both short and long-term.
  • Ensure these strategic plans are practically workable.
  • The vision which transitions into curriculum, learning, and teaching certainly adds to the child’s education.
Key questions for above pointers
  1. What are the crucial factors in your schools’ vision?
  2. Where do you fit them in the mission statement?
  3. How do you implement the same through education?

Before visiting the international school try to visit the website for the mission statement. Go through the same carefully as it will give you an idea about their vision.

What are your expectations from the students enrolling in best international schools?
International Schools in Gurgaon

International Schools in Gurgaon

Almost all schools accept students from different strata of society. However, certain schools look for specific qualities.

  • International education advocates equal attention to academics and co-curricular activities.
  • There are some who look for both intellect and athletics as is the norm in Top 10 international schools in Gurgaon.
  • On the other hand, some schools look for activity rich student.
  • It is imperative that your child finds his niche in school for easy adjusting.
  • There are certain schools who pay equal interest in the child’s personality
    • Grounded and humble personality
    • Socially aware.
    • Athletic with the right amount of independence and ambition
  • Ensure your child fits to some extent in with the expectations.
Key questions for above pointers
  1. What elements does the school’s model child display?
  2. How do you align these qualities with the vision that international school follows?
  3. What kind of academic expectation does school follow?
  4. Do you give equal importance to interests and goals apart from academics?

It is better to find a school which equates with your child’s personality. Forcing a child to fit in with the expectation of the school can be detrimental in long run. The expectation and personality mismatch mean its better to move to the next school on the list.

What kind of curriculum is the International school following to keep with the standard of IB Board school in India?

It is better to be clear whether the school curriculum works in tandem with the personality and need of the child. The right combination of personality and learning benefits both child and school. Thus keeping in tune with the curriculum is of utmost importance.

  • The curriculum standard and guidelines provide the complete picture of the expectations.
  • Figure out the approach that schools work with the co-curricular
    • Student Centric
    • Teacher Centric
  • The approach to a larger extent work in favor of child development and education.
Key questions for above pointers
  1. Whether the curriculum standard matches with the standard of education in international Schools?
  2. What is the curriculum approach that schools take part in?
    1. IB Approved
    2. Montessori
    3. Reggio Emilia
    4. Waldorf
  3. Does the set standard and approach meet the level of education and actual learning in the classroom?

You should try and attend at least one or two classes. This will give you an idea of whether your child intellect level is matching with that of the class. Moreover, the curriculum set under international schools in Gurgaon is getting implemented in favor of your child or not.

The main point to keep in mind, when choosing any schools is the confidence and interest of your child in it. Whether, it’s a top international school in Gurgaon or a private national school, the curiosity to learn in the school is important. Furthermore, if the school is able to balance both academic and athletic interest of your child then it’s a go. Otherwise, try to look for another which fits perfectly. Taking the risk with your child’s education and development thinking they will adjust is never a good bet. It is better to listen to their needs and work around them.